Monday, February 23, 2009

A perfect afternoon.

I can think of no better way to spend my Monday.

Too bad I have psych at 2:30 and a bulletin board to make after that. Why did I jump out of that window again? Oh, that's right. To avoid an alcohol charge.

Time to play some Oblivion.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My thoughts lately have been bothering me.

The types of things I've been thinking about, in particular, and what they involve, are what bother me. If this wasn't a blog accessible by all eyes then I'd love to share my daydreams... But the internet will never be a safe place to post things in confidence, so I must watch how I word things and what I say.

I'm worried about what I might do next. Worried that I'm slowly being pushed inches away from snapping. I've grown excruciatingly tired of some of the people surrounding me, to the point that I almost want some of them to just drop out or fail out. As selfish as that is, I'm a selfish person and I won't deny that. Patience has never been my virtue and I seem to have less and less of it every day.

Last semester was different. This semester I could quite literally strangle some people.

That's all. Time for calculus.

I really hope this weekend is as enjoyable as it looks like it's going to be. If not, I'll be thoroughly disappointed.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I love reading old blogs.

It's the most bittersweet experience I can think of. Most of my old xangas, livejournals, etc are teeming with melodramatic entries, ranting about my "fucking miserable" life. Overflowing with spelling errors, internet lingo, and annoying smiley faces, they're so amusing yet so humiliating. I'm just glad that I've learned the art of writing intelligent sentences and typing properly; I'd be a sad college student if I couldn't. Oh wait a minute, quite a few college students still can't spell or type properly at eighteen...what does this say about education?


I have to wonder if I'll read this a few years down the road and hate how cynical and sarcastic I am. I can't imagine myself any different than I am at this point, but whose to say that I'm done developing as a person? Life is full of changes; if you stop adapting, you stop living.

Time to do a psych lab and go to sleep. I'll be back at UMBC around 10:30am. I'm not sure how this week is going to go...with three exams, it'll probably be awful. But why ruin the week before it begins?