Friday, March 27, 2009

The Seven Days of Peter Crumb

equals pure genius, stuffed into a book.

Not for the squeamish.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm done with smoking.

I know this is probably the tenth time I've tried quitting, but I'm serious about it this time around. I thought I was fine last time, but the stress of college got to be a little too much for me to bear. No, I shouldn't even make's not worth it.

But, I'm sick of letting people down, slowing myself down, and keeping myself from getting back in shape. I've been trying to get my lazy ass back to the gym, and smoking cigarettes won't get me any closer to doing that. Nor will any other drugs. So, on that note, I believe I'm done with it.

My mom talked to me right before I left. She looked at me all sad and what not and said, "Seems like as soon as I get used to you being leave." I hate leaving my mom at home. I know that some nights, I'm the only person she really gets to talk to. I go to breakfast with her on Saturdays. Heck, even today I actually went to church with her. I know my mom and I get into petty arguments but I hope that despite those things, she knows how much I love her. She gave me a hug and then said, "I know you should only quit smoking for yourself, but if you do it for anyone besides that, do it for me? It's stupid, and well...I'd like to see you grow up into what I know you can be. And that won't happen if you're dying with lung cancer."

Mothers really do know best.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Top Ten Video Games...ever.

10. Tetris - Why? Easy: simplicity. Despite the game hardly changing over the years, people still want newer versions of it. It's a beautiful thing, really. Keeps me entertained for hours.
9. The Sims - I remember getting this game for Christmas when I was in seventh grade or something. I also remember playing it for five hours straight. As sad as it may be, it seems that mankind has become more obsessed about living virtual lives than over dictating their own. Sigh...
8. Goldeneye 007 - Probably the best first-person shooter known to man. Sure, the blood was just a little red splotch on the character and sure, they look like stick figures with polygons for heads, but somehow that simple little game is what created first-person shooters as we know them today. And I still can't deny a multiplayer match in the stack.
7. Skate - As a huge Tony Hawk fan for many, many years, I was a skeptic when it came to Skate and its "flick-it" trick system. But, the moment I picked up the controller, I was amazed at how life-like the video game was. I almost felt like I was really skateboarding. And THAT is why I love it. Landing a good 360 flip in Skate is the next best thing to landing a 360 flip in real life. Trust me.
6. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - By far one of the most legendary games to ever be created for N64. Awesome storyline, addictive gameplay, great (at the time) graphics, and decent story length...all packaged into one game. I highly preferred this to the Majora's Mask game.
5. Fallout 3 - Though I just bought this game approximately 12 hours ago, I've already racked up 8 hours of gameplay and just now found myself able to stop playing. I'm exhausted and my eyes are hardly open, but it was just that hard to stop. The environments are breathtaking; the VATS combat system is a nice change to most shooters; the open-ended gameplay is always welcome...just an overall great purchase.
4. Left 4 Dead - I have very few things to say. One-ZOMBIES. Who doesn't love killing zombies? Tw0-BILL. Everyone's favorite war veteran. Three-This is the most awesome game to play with your friends. Four-It gives PS3 owners a reason to cry...haha.
3. Pokemon: Red Version - I still play pokemon to this day, and NO, I have NEVER done the rare candy cheat/glitch. Cheaters never win. Why red version? Because fire pokemon will always reign supreme. This is the reason why I still have a gameboy color.
2. Fable - Many people rag on this game for its short gameplay. Yes, I'll admit that it doesn't have the longest storyline...but what it doesn't shell out in quantity it gives you in quality. This is another game that I praised highly for its graphics and combat system. Also, the ability to choose whether you became good or evil was a nice change. Though not as open-ended as games like Fallout 3 and Oblivion (which both were ironically created by Bethesda...), it still has room for the player to make his or her own decisions...which is never turned down.
And number one...
1. Super Mario World - Yes. The game of all games for me. The game that brought me into the gaming world. The game that made me realize that three hours can go quickly if you aren't bored. I wish I could find my Super Nintendo solely for this game. I will find it...I will find it so I can finally ride Yoshi again and save Peach, for the 97694576986th time.. (Though I won't lie...I'm a Bowser fan, personally).

Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring break will consist of the following:

Driving up to New York with Beltrani and Heather. Getting copious amounts of alcohol (Sam Adams, specifically, because I'm a sucker for a good beer). Waking up at 9am Tuesday and playing a round of beer pong with James. Going to the St. Patty's Day parade completely plastered.

Yes. This is going to be a much enjoyed, much deserved break. Then it's back to the grind.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

May I suggest some interesting reading material?

Look up:
  • Ted Bundy
  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Eddie Gein
  • Robert Pickton
  • The Zodiac Killer
Or my personal new favorite: Gary Ridgway.

Most intriguing, isn't it?

Monday, March 2, 2009

It really irks me.

Why is it that I seem to be the only person in my group of friends who gives a damn about academics? Why am I the only one ever putting any effort into assignments? Why am I the only one who insists on working before playing? Almost every single person I'm close to at this school doesn't seem to be phased by a failing grade on an exam. Didn't finish that lab report? They don't seem to mind. It makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

If you didn't want to go to school, get the fuck out. College isn't for everyone; if it isn't where you want to be, then leave. It's a waste of your time to be here. I love my friends but I hate being surrounded by people who have little pride for their work. I find work ethic and drive to be one of the most important and telling qualities about a human being. It's not WHAT you do but HOW you do it. If you're an author, it would be useless for you to do three hours of calculus problems. But you should, however, write and read other literature. As a college student, you should finish assignments, go to class, and be responsible. You chose to further your education - put a little effort into it.

I hate people who don't try. That's just pathetic.

Don't make excuses. Don't try to get out of it. Just fucking do it. A little work never killed anyone, and if it did, then shit, they probably deserved it.

This world drives me up a fucking wall.

No, I take that back. The PEOPLE in this world drive me up a fucking wall.