Thursday, April 16, 2009


The end of the year approaches. The end of the week approaches.

If only the school year ended this weekend...then I'd really be happy. Most people need more time to bring their grades up. I need less time to ensure that I don't screw up my possible A's. I'm angry that I may possibly be making straight Bs this semester but I can't blame anyone for that except myself. I slacked a little and messed some things up. But, it's still not over. I have a calc exam, a psych exam, a chem exam, and three finals that could either make or break me. A's on the finals would guarantee me A's in the classes. However, just a B, which many people would consider absolutely fine, could easily take me from 90 to 89. That cannot happen. CANNOT.

I wish I wasn't so obsessive compulsive over my grades. Breathe, Liz, breathe.

I hope I don't do anything inappropriate this weekend. Ah. Fuck, who am I kidding?

I know I will.

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