Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sitting in The Commons.

Eating a PB&J and some baked lays chips. Sipping on water. I'm so terribly groggy and tired today. Now I don't even feel like blogging. Now I'm just typing words for the sake of typing words. The gym was awful this morning...I couldn't get myself moving. Mile and a half in and I just crashed. Usually I can keep trucking for awhile, but not this morning. It's like some sort of switch in my mind didn't flick on when I woke up. I dunno. It feels like it's going to be a great day, just a slow one. I'm looking forward to this evening...new Left 4 Dead campaigns! Good times, good times. Lots of zombie action tonight. Should prove interesting.

I have an unhealthy obsession with killing things. The thought of it is exhilarating. Luckily, video games let me experience this without the repercussions. Can't exactly go around shooting people in real life...that would quickly ruin my college career, haha. But killing virtual zombies was never a crime.

Fuck. So tired. I can hardly keep myself awake right now. Sucks, man. Sucks.

New underwear should be in the mail very soon. I'm excited.

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