Monday, October 12, 2009

No sleep tonight.

My roommate's boyfriend is over, which equals profuse amounts of kissing in the bed below me. Normally doesn't bother me, but I know something more is happening. So, in order to avoid the obvious awkwardness, I went outside, smoked a cigarette, and have decided that sleeping on the couch would be best this evening. Sucks that now it's 4am, and I have yet to get any sleep.

My life is beginning to piece itself back into place, which is a nice change of pace considering how much of a struggle it has been to focus. There's so many things I don't miss about my freshman year, but one thing I would kill to have back is my drive. My desire. My want to surpass all and achieve the impossible. I feel like I'm settling for less than what I'm worth. Not in relationships or anything, just in my academics. French is kicking my ass, though truthfully I expected that; foreign languages and I never got along very well. Orgo isn't too terrible, really. I think I got about a 75 on the first exam, though we'll find out a solid number tomorrow if Gierasch pulled through with grading. We shall see.

And I actually enjoy orgo lab. The experiments are pretty interesting, and I've got awesome hood partners. Oh and playing with chemicals has always been a hobby of mine...plenty of places online to get lovely compounds that when mixed together with a fuse go "BOOM!"

Guess I should try and sleep now...this couch is pretty fucking comfortable.

Hope all of you (the few, that is) that read this are faring well in life. Take care.

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